Real Men Sort Out Real Problems Caused By Flooding In Cumbria

Flood Help Cumbria
“Four Muslim guys arrived in Keswick driving a black car. They went to the Christian Convention Centre and parked up. They got out and delivered food parcels and gifts for people who had lost everything in the floods. They then headed on to Carlisle to do the same thing. I just thought I’d mention it because things like this don’t appear in the Daily Star or the Sun. They were just regular guys out looking to help people.”

Paul Cooper

Jeremy Corbyn Wishes Cumbria Flood Victim Happy Birthday Well at least he was there.

Justin Walker on UK Column yesterday praised the farmers in the region and the splendid local community spirit for their no nonsense approach to ‘getting on with’ sorting out the aftermath.

GW:  Where were D Cameron, G Osborne, J Hunt, O Letwyn etc?  Oh I forgot SamCam has been booked for the ‘star studded’ Bake Off.  Well that’s nice isn’t it.


As Cumbria struggles, Osborne plots to build homes on floodplains

GR Comment:  “I am not an Osbourne supporter but I would like to point out that the idea of building on flood planes started with Prescott. A pair of idiots. I wonder if there is word for that? An oscott perhaps.”

GR Comment:  “He is working on tax-breaks for a Buy-to-Let Ark sector”

GR Comment:  “I think this is the worst government we have ever had and i am 70 years old. They have no regard for the poorer people of this country, they have little regard for the environment or climate change and as for the Northern powerhouse they were going to establish it appears to b e the opposite with redundancies in many sectors of business.
London is losing its diversity because only the very rich people of the world can afford to buy property there, and we are spied on more than any other country in the world.
I was once very proud to be English, we would always look for goods with the ” made in England” label on them, because we knew it was a quality product.
Our government is made up of a load of rich public school boys who don’t seem to give a shit for the backbone ( the working class ) of this once great country.”  Shewer!

GR Comment:  “Osborne has no concept on anything, he comes from the rich elitist bubble that contains the worst excesses of our land.  The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is highly respected worldwide.  Do the Lord of Lies and the Baronet of Austerity take notice? No they don’t.
Just bang on a pair of wellies and nip up for an hour and they will think it’s getting sorted, then you can nip off around Europe trying to look good for the backbenchers, after all it’s party first people second.
Announce a bit of money and that will keep ’em all quiet, while we sort out how to stitch up the next election.

The flood defences were crap, the money given to them was not enough, and the money to repair the damage is not enough.  Never mind the roof, it’s defences that need to be sorted, and the money made available, just as the foreign aid is.

Help these people now! They are helping themselves, not giving in, and they deserve the nation’s help too.  Osborne should go up and see if he can shovel mud – he sure is good at shovelling shit!”

GR Comment:  “Exactly what help have those affected by the floods been given by this Government? They are fond of sending money abroad (in some cases matching donations ‘pound for pound’). It’s a shame they don’t do the same for certain British charities, for example the RNLI who turned out to help during the floods.”


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