UK Column News 10 November 2015

ukc 10 December 2015 24 pages of info collected on schoolchn
24 pages of personal information being collected on UK schoolchildren.
ukc 10 December 2015 24 pages of info collected on schoolchn 2
Everything from sexual habits to whether they had tried drugs and what their parents were up to.  And the parents were not consulted!
ukc 10 December 2015 24 pages of info collected on schoolchn 3
Then after all this “information” was “evaluated” some things were picked out for further study???  Shudder.  Justin Walker didn’t beat about the bush and just said – George Orwell anybody?

ukc 10 December 2015 Cameron stop throttling FOI

Cameron is now trying to throttle FOI after an election promise to be the ‘most transparant’ administration ever.  Well Cameron has done so many UTurns he has never left the turning circle so how much did it cost his parents to get his driving licence one wonders.

ukc 10 December 2015 Cabinet Office is least transparant - cam lied
The Cabinet Office is the least transparant – another pre-election Cameron Porkie.

ukc 10 December 2015 Elected Members being controlled
Locally Elected Council Members are being closely controlled and denied information about contracts for public works.

ukc 10 December 2015 undermining Christianity in UK

Cameron & Co are undermining Christianity in the UK whilst at the same time professing Christian principles.

ukc 10 December 2015 MacMillan backed Syria Assassination plot

The “Syrian Campaign” has been on the ‘drawing board’ for a long time dating back to Macmillan.

ukc 10 December 2015 Israel rescues Elite Jihanist Fighters from Syria

Israel is reported to have been ‘rescuing’ certain Elite Jihadist Fighters from the Syria conflict.  What’s that all about?

UPDATE at AAG – 9 December 2015

“Lord Jacob Rothschild, like Rupert Murdoch and Dick Cheney, is a shareholder in Genie Energy.

Craig Murray / Western Firms Plan To Cash In On Syria’s Oil And Gas .

The American firm Genie has the oil exploration rights in the Golan Heights, the part of Syria controlled by Israel.

Western oil firms have their eyes on all of Syria’s vast oil wealth.

Rupert Murdoch is thus keen to see Assad toppled.  Craig Murray

Israelis helping terrorists from Syria. dailymail

Israeli commandos in Syria have reportedly been rescuing al Qaeda terrorists.

They have saved more than 2,000 terrorists since 2013.  Almost every night, Israeli troops run secret missions to save the lives of Syrian terrorists.  dailymail

More than 500 jihadists have been cared for at Israel’s Ziv Medical Centre.

“Analysts suggest the Jewish state has in fact struck a deadly ‘deal with the devil’ – offering support to the Sunni militants who fight the Syrian ruler Assad…”  dailymail

Some of the rescued terrorists may be members of Jabhat al-Nusra, which has massacred Christians in Syria.  dailymail

One Islamist terrorist says: ‘The butcher Assad is my enemy. Israel is not my enemy.”  dailymail

Islamist terrorist in Israel.

Issa Peres, 36, a Christian Israeli Arab social worker, said that many Jewish hospital staff resented having to treat Arabs.

Peres says of the terrorists: ‘They have destroyed churches and Christian communities in Syria.’

In June, two wounded Syrian terrorists were attacked by a Jewish lynch-mob while they were being transported to hospital by ambulance.

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