‘Trump is right!’ say Police


DER Comment: “been a cop for thirty years + the unfortunate truth is that Mr Trump is right. The UK in parts is slipping into an Islamic nightmare. The Islamic communities don’t mix, it is totally insular. Look at the size of their families, they are having many times more children than the indigenous population. Now, it is a problem but not a catastrophic one. In 20 years time there will be war on the streets just like Syria. Cameron and the rest of those idiots are just stalling for time. They can’t confront the problem as that will bring forth race riots. they have had them before so they just don’t do anything as the country slips further and further into the abyss. So, Mr Trump what you had to say was unpalatable, maybe not nice. He did not advocate violence, he was just trying to stop violence. The USA has a chance as it has a relatively small Muslim population. Mr Trump was just being far-sighted., The MSM backlash is going to be harsh ! So chin up Mr Trump.”

DER Comment: “Open request to Cameron Johnson and the chief and deputy of the Met. Get a haircut Boris, then all of you get into blues and walk or drive individually alone and unannounced into an area chosen by bobbies in London Preston Bradford and Birmingham. And maybe as a plus, each could be accompanied by a female BBC presenter dressed in wpc uniform. Let’s hear your stories if you get out unscathed, (or not).”

DER Comment: “Sign Government petition 114907”

DER Comment: “List of Culprits:- Cameron, MERKEL, Von Rompuy, Juncker, OBAMA, Soros. Supporters of the NWO (New World Order) movement have begun their first steps including the COUDENHOVE-KALERGI PLAN. Research keywords for a few minutes and you’ll see the big picture. Keywords; Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. So evil you will not believe it all. They never believed the Nazi’s in 1930 ‘s either. Too evil to contemplate………………………………………………….Keywords: Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.”

GW:  Right or wrong Trump is entitled to free movement and should be able to visit UK if he wishes just like all the others do.  Maybe check into the NHS while he is here for some free health care!  UK Police should not have to seek permission to police an area within UK borders from foreign nationals living here.  It is extraordinary that those who move to the UK do not then embrace the culture and the new home which welcomed them.  So very sad.

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