UK Column News 2 December 2015

ukc 2 december 21 centruy wire

ukc 2 december Banking Cartel

The Bankster’s Cartel Explained.

ukc 2 december Craig Murray

ToriCon MP Michael Fallon claimed on BBC “that the UK had killed hundreds of ISIL militants by bombing in Iraq and caused not one single civilian casualty”

ukc 2 december Def of domestic terrorists

L B of Camden explains their Definition of a ‘Domestic Terrorist’.

ukc 2 december DM says we now have gunment

DM make Freudian Slip when they explain how ‘gunment’ works.

ukc 2 december DM says we now have gunment note blue badge

ukc 2 december email to mp

The UK Electorate have lobbied hard to try to persuade MPs to vote against the Syria bombing proposals.

ukc 2 december Frightened of Creativity.png

Who’s afraid of the big bad activist; the big bad activist;the big bad activist?  Trull Lul Lul Lul La!

ukc 2 december G4S wants people guilty of misconduct

Are you guilty of misconduct?  Then G4S wants to employ you.

ukc 2 december G4S wants people guilty of misconduct Victoria Woodison

G4S’s Victoria Woodiston explains why G4S likes to employ people guilty of misconduct.

ukc 2 december Julia Hartley Brewer Child Rape

How much interest has Julia Hartley Brewer really taken in child rape before writing this Tgraph anti Corbyn article?  To be fair Julia HB has had quite a lot to say about rape before this article.  However on this occasion she has skewed the argument slightly.

ukc 2 december terrorist sympathisers

ukc 2 december Why does Turkey require more air defence

Why does Turkey need beefed up air support if ISIL don’t fly planes?

Part 1 –
Par 2 –
Part 3 –
Part 4 –

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