Syrian who was awarded British citizenship JAILED for flying asylum seeker past UK border

DER Comment: “So why weren’t they both deported. The one that was smuggled is here documented as coming from France which is a safe country ( officially at least ) so he should have been sent back there. I cant see any reason why a refugee resident in France with French ID card should be allowed to stay in the UK at the UK tax payers expense”

DER Comment: “3 years – as in a SERIOUS criminal offence – has his citizenship been revoked?”

DER Comment: “Can anyone tell me how a Syrian migrant can afford to own his own light aircraft?  Did he buy it with his ‘benefits’?  I have worked all my life, and I couldn’t afford a car.”

DER Comment: “When will anyone film the British Comedy – “A Government Lost In Space” and do not know which way to go. Welcome to easy Britain. Boat, Train, now Plane. Could not be easier.”

DER Comment: “It may not have been his first smuggling operation and yet there is no mention of his aircraft being confiscated.”  DER Rply: “Or being stripped of his UK citizenship and chucked out just like the other guy should have been.”

DER Comment: “This begs the questions, was it the first time? Did money exchange hands?  If as seems to be claimed they bumped into one another and struck up a conversation why on earth did he let him on the plane?  Personally if a stranger gave me a bag and told me to take it to France I would refuse as you don’t know what is in it. They would have you believe that they were well meaning but a little misguided Ho Ho Ho”

Migrants housed in Latvia moan their benefits are not enough and ‘this is not Britain’

Latvia, which has a population of roughly two million, is gearing up to accept hundreds of refugees as part of a quota agreed by diplomats in Brussels.

But those who have arrived in the tiny Baltic state say the cold weather, lack of generous state handouts and relatively low number of fellow migrants who speak the same language have combined to make their experience of life in Europe thoroughly miserable.

One refugee worker told German newspaper Die Welt: “The refugees from southern countries tell us openly: Latvia is not our dream destination, we happened here, it was up to the smugglers.”

Another added: “It is not like Britain. We want to go to Britain, life is easy in Britain. We want to live in Britain like our friends.”

GW:  Well folks we in the UK are renowned for having a ‘stiff upper lip’ about such minor inconveniences as personal discomfort or the weather being too chilly.  Get a grip. It is going to get a lot colder and more uncomfortable before it gets warm again.  And as for having everyone around you talking your national language – well forget it.  You chose to migrate.  Remember.  We have to tolerate all manor of foreign languages here in the UK.  If you wish to be British you could start by tolerating the national language in Latvia and maybe even attempt to learn Latvian?  Pshewer!  Maybe be prepared to sit a Latvian Language examination in a year’s time in order to progress to the next stage.  No-one said life was easy.

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