Lucy Elizabeth Allan Tori Con MP Telford Stooped To New Level Of Deception – How Low Can You Go Lucy?

Lucy Allan Tori ConPosted at NLAT today

“Tory Con MP fakes death threat from constituent in a vain attempt to win the sympathy vote. It backfires spectacularly.”

“Just a quick post to expose Lucy Allan MP for the liar she is. I e-mailed her about the plans to bomb Syria urging her to consider voting against it. She then took a large chunk of my e-mail out of context and edited it herself to make it abusive. She then posted it on her facebook page to gain sympathy with the public. Personally, I think that it is a disgusting tactic and heavily brings into question the integrity of our elected representative.”

Email LA Constituent

The email from a constituent which Lucy Allan ToriCon MP Telford plagiarized.

What Lucy Wrote Next

Tory MP who voted to bomb Syria in Facebook death threat row after adding ‘unless you die’ to constituent’s email

GW:  “What Lucy Allan Wrote Next” – another fable from the “ToriStory” stable.  Snort Neigh Whinnie Stamp Stamp Swish Swish Scrape Clip Clop etc

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