69 Percent of Watford Observer readersare against D Cameron’s decision to bomb Syria

69 percent WOR say Dont Bomb

Watford MP set to vote in favour of air strikes

http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/14116056.Watford_MP_set_to_vote_in_favour_of air_strikes/?action=success#comment_15006319

WOR Comment:  “Murder is murder. Dropping bombs in Syria kills innocent people. Shooting people at Concerts in Paris kills people. Planting bombs at football stadiums in Paris kills people. None of this, absolutely none of this makes sense. The government (small g) know it, world leaders know it.Blair and Bush created this chaos when they illegally invaded Iraq on a lie, without the backing or support of the UN. That then paved the way for Russia to invade Ukraine, they did not need nor ask for UN approval. All sides are as sickeningly bad as the other. There is no right, no moral ground. It is hate and lies and the circle continues… and will continue. If anyone believes that terrorists really did bring down the twin towers then you might as well believe that Zeberdee, from the Magic Roundabout assassinated Kennedy. There is so much evidence pointing to the CIA it is sickening. As for the attack on the Pentagon by another small aircraft, footage clearly shows a cruise missile hitting the complex. Pay attention and watch a little less X-Factor, there is a dark world out there.”

GW:  Where’s that SILENT MAJORITY we in Watford keep hearing about?

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