English ‘mafia’ take MIGRANTS via Belgium

DER Comment:  “These ‘so-called English mafia gangs‘ who were immigrants themselves to whom we granted citizenship should be stripped of their UK passports and not allowed back in. Typical isn`t though. Taking this country whether it is benefits, our education system, the nhs or a bit of an insurance scam thrown in for good measure for all they can, then they repay us like this. Blair has a lot to answer for including his Human Rights Act.”

DER Comment: “CaMoron has moved from “Prime Minister” to “EmbarrassMinster” since May thanks to his lies, spin and ignorance of what the British people want him to do.”

DER Comment: “Sweden media and government covering up Ikea knife attack”  http://investmentwatchblog.com/sweden-media-and-government-covering-up-ikea-terror-attack-at-least-one-victim-beheaded/


GW:  Load of Eastenders running this migrant smuggling lark?  They would have to be multi-lingual for starters.  Aren’t the ‘true Brits’ a bit lingually lazy?

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