‘Devastating’ Tory Attacks On Disabled People Cannot Go Unchallenged, Says Comedian


Francesca Martinez on the Jonathan Ross Show in 2014. Source: YouTube


Thanks to LabourLeft for the link.  Meanwhile NLAT has found an article saying the young will be subjected to a “boot camp” to get them ready for employment.  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jobless-young-people-to-attend-boot-camps-in-no-excuses-crackdown-on-youth-unemployment-10458357.html

GW is sick and tired of the UK Youth being denigrated in this way.  They are work ready but they are being denied any kind of real chance to better themselves via a proper rewarding and productive world of work that no longer exists in case you hadn’t noticed.  GW has worked with the youth and knows many.  They are neither work shy nor are they ill-prepared.  They are being heavily discriminated against – that’s all. 

“FIRMS would rather hire migrants than take on home-grown apprentices because British teenagers are unready for work, it is claimed.”  http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/598807/Firms-prefer-to-hire-foreigners  Phffffff.  Go get a …… and do us all a favour …..   GW?  Scramble Clatter Shuffle Flap Slide Clank.  What was all that?  Erm … Hello Gideon.  Just looking over the household accounts.  I see that you spent £5 on some Crabtree & Evelyn Biscuits and a further £4.99 on English Breakfast Tea.

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