We need to change Labour so we can change the country

IR Comment:  “Politics is broken in this country”; I agree, and the call to revitalise the Labour party will go some way towards mending politics, but the electoral elephant remains; until the UK adopts a democratic system of voting, political power will not mirror the wishes of the electorate. UKIP voters have just been disenfrachised by the system (cheated of 81 seats) and Jeremy Corbyn-inspired Labour voters will be decimated by the same system, beloved of the enemies of democracy who presently rule with 37% of the votes cast and 24% of the total electorate. It is ridiculous that any party should not be allocated the share of parliamentary seats their support should earn and more so that the system is due to be gerrymandered rather than reformed.”  http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/we-need-to-change-labour-so-we-can-change-the-country-10457385.html

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