Monty Don’s plot to bring the allotment back into fashion

Monty Don

Monty Don – Picture Courtesy DM.

“Mr Don went on to say: ‘Allotments are supposed to be in the centre of things. They unite people of different ages, diverse backgrounds.

‘They’re about community, communication, producing food and doing it alongside each other. They’re a paradigm of a successful society. We should treasure them.’

He said he wants to see a set ‘percentage of new housing’ have access to allotments. 

The Gardeners’ World presenter criticised politicians for not making ecology a priority.

‘There’s a mental and social factor to be taken into account when urban people have no access to gardens. No politician mentions any-thing about ecology these days,’ he said.

‘They assume it isn’t interesting and that the average person is disconnected. But we need not be removed from it. This isn’t what young people want. They’d rather dig the ground than vote, that’s their way of changing the world.'”

Sow Grow: gardening without a garden

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