Ho Hum

The World

The World according to Larson

GovWatch: Yep Can think of a few of these right now – Katie Hopkins Erm and the usual ConDem Cabal suspects of course and probably quite a lot living in or near Dolphin Square Erm .. and Eurocrats and Erm .. that Watford W***** “on the International Development Select Committee where the £12 billion aid budget has been criticised as being associaited with propping up currupt regimes and doing very little for the ordinary people.”  http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/11600144.MP_Richard_Harrington_defends_comments_over_lack_of volunteers__scandal_/


UKC 4 November 2014 T UK MPs

UK Column 4 November 2014 – UK MPs Brooks Newmark and Chris Bryant.


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