This Is Exactly Why The ConDem Cabal Should Be Told To Keep Their Hands OFF Our NHS!

Woman dies after farewell to horse at Wigan hospital

Sheila Marsh and Bronwen

Sheila Marsh says ‘Goodbye’ to Bronwen the horse she knew for 25 years.  God Bless the NHS staff who did this for her.  Thanks to BBC for reporting it.

Staff at Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan granted Sheila Marsh’s last wish, by arranging a visit from two of her horses on Monday afternoon.

The hospital said the 77-year-old, unable to speak properly due to illness, “gently called” her favourite horse, who then nuzzled her cheek.”

GovWatch:  Cameron Gid and Jezza Virginia Bottomley-Hunt (BUPA links) just wouldn’t understand this scenario as they don’t ‘do’ compassion – they just ‘do’ privatisation of the NHS so that their mates at United Health et al can make loads of money from providing an inferior service where patients like Sheila would need to have a Health Insurance Policy to even get a hospital bed.  Otherwise they would have to go to a temporary facility set up in a Gym Hall and take pot luck.

Tell the ConDems we are a CIVILISED  society and we abhor their lack of compassion.

Meanwhile a further word from NLAT.

Peter Bach’s Film – “Sell-Off – The Abolition of Your NHS”

George Osborne criticised for claims over EU £1.7bn bill as UK to pay full amount

“By counting the rebate Britain was due anyway they are desperately trying to claim that the backdated bill for £1.7bn has somehow been halved. But nobody will fall for this smoke and mirrors. The rebate was never in doubt and in fact was confirmed by the EU budget commissioner last month.”

“Hannan told PM on BBC Radio 4 thatsaid it was “incredible” for the Treasury to claim it had to fight to allow the rebate to apply to the £1.7bn demand.

He said: “We have pretended that the rebate didn’t apply, we’ve gone up to a much higher figure, we’ve reapplied the rebate, come back to the figure that there was all along and claimed a victory. That is insulting our intelligence. The insult is almost as bad as the sum of money that is being requested”

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