‘Tory Story’ Now Playing In Birmingham

“Tory Story” – It’s got “Sex Drugs Rock n Roll as well as some gratuitous bashing of those on benefits by Osborne and IDS but not forgetting the bit where Cameron and Hunt screw over GPs and NHS staff” – A real West End Show Stopper!

Morning NLAT.  What’s up?  All day breakfast?  Now your talkin’.  How’s that Tory Conference shaping up?   ‘Crazy shapes‘ there?  How so?  What are you implying?  No full moons.  How are those dates stacking?  (Sun 28 Sept – Wed 1 Oct 2014.)  Too late for the Autumn Equinox.  Heh I expect they packed their party stuff anyway.  Must be a bit of a drag constantly squeezing into those blue suits and purple ties all the time.

“Smouldering prime minister Cameron eschewed his usual Boden shorts by daring to bare in a manboob-emphasising navy blue suit, teamed with on-trend purple tie, turbocharged brunette mane (?) and don’t-mess-with-me ham face. (mmm) His trim figure drew admiring glances from the policeman outside his front door and the ex-Etonian A-lister gave a sultry posh pout as paparazzi flashbulbs popped.”  Good Lord!  http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jul/19/daily-mail-reshuffle-downing-street-catwalk-male-politicians

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boris-johnson-suggests-ukip-defectors-4348650#ixzz3EkxrzvxF  Well Bonking Boris should know.  He’s the sexpert innit.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/conservative-mps-expenses/11127101/Bid-to-cut-cost-of-politics-is-hair-shirted-nonsense-says-Cameron-aide-John-Hayes.html  Hayes says he won’t wear a ‘hair shirt.’  Gimme a head with hair.  Long beautiful hair etc?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_zaSKZks1A

http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/sep/29/midwives-strike-over-1-percent-pay-rise-first-in-history  Hunt rejects 1 percent pay rise for Midwives.  Surprised?  Not really.


NLAT – “It speaks volumes about the priorities of the Conservatives that they see benefit cuts for the working-age poor as a crowd-pleasing punchline for a conference speech.”  How true.

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