Free Radio Revolution – Rise of the Police State

Free Radio Revolution

Free Radio Revolution

RED ALERT! David Cameron Announces the END OF FREE SPEECH! MUST SEE!

GovWatch:  FRR got pulled for questioning the validity of ISIS Snuff Vids.  Well hasn’t even the Gov said they were fake?  He goes on to say that David Cameron’s Speech at the UN General Assembly made his jaw drop.  Perhaps the words in the speech bear closer examination because with all semantics, the spoken word provides the opportunity for various different subtle meanings which TPTB use to give coded messages to each other.  Terrorists are equated with free thinkers and thus the blame is being swung onto Vloggers and Bloggers via their fake snuff stuff.

Looks harmless enough at first glance –

“For our part in the UK we are introducing new powers.

To strengthen our ability to seize passports and stop suspects travelling.

To allow us to strip British identity from dual nationals and temporarily prevent some British nationals getting back in the country.

To ensure that airlines comply with our no fly lists and security screening requirements.

And to enable our police and security services to apply for stronger locational constraints on those in the UK who pose a risk.”

“Locational constraints on those who pose a risk,”

Wait on who’s he REALLY talking about?  Next time you might like to front up to a Bilderberg Meeting.  Erm.  Next time you want to Protest an illegal war.  Erm.

What Defines an Extremist in the Globalist’s Terms then?  CameronSpeak tells us it’s those with a ‘warped world view’ and ideology in all its terms’ and ‘preachers peddling lies such as 911 was somehow  a Jewish plot and that 77 was staged’ etc  Vloggers are now equated with ‘Islamist Preachers’ such as  Abu Hamza.  (Hamza is probably a creature of PTB creation anyway.  Is that claw hand real or fake?)

PTB intend to take down ‘illegal Internet material’ such as UK Column News perhaps?


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