Field McConnell At Abel Danger Has Also Called Foley Film A Fake

Friday, August 22, 2014

Plum City – (  “United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s decades-old deployments of British spot-fixing actors, assassins and saboteurs through the Offender’s Tag Association (founded 1982) to John the Jailer snuff-film productions and the time stamps on private money-shot images which purport to show the decapitation of James Foley.”

“McConnell claims Serco backhauled ‘John the Jailer’ images over the UK MoD’s Skynet military satellite communications system to a Canary Wharf spread-bet platform from where a White’s Club bookie appears to have shared a “vig” (Comon Field stop using specialist terminologySome of us don’t know that a “vig” is a payment for services rendered) with actors who arranged a spot fixed time for Foley to be seen to be beheaded.”


‘Foley Room’ at the Sound Design Campus

Meaning of Foley – “Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media”

US Vlogger Chris Green explains that the term Foley is used in film-making and is also referred to in ‘Family Guy’

“Duping Delight” an involuntary bodily reaction to being successful in deceiving someone –

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