The Brittans

The Brittans

The Brittans

“Leon Brittan denies allegations he raped woman at London flat after blind date in 1967 and says claims are ‘wholly unfounded'”

“Mystery of missing dossier on VIP child abusers: Tory peer Leon Brittan faces questions over 1980s files on Westminster paedophile ring”

“Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders is understood to have insisted the Metropolitan Police re-investigate claims Lord Brittan raped a woman at his London flat in 1967″

PunkMonk: This time, the British People have the tool of social media to keep this story in the open until a thorough investigation has taken place. Please God I live to see the day that these people have to answer for their deeds to human kind.”

GovWatch:  Such a charming couple.  A few chickens coming home to roost Leon that’s all.  Why such a glum face?

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