Richard Harrington Con MP Watford Shows Off Previously Hidden Horsemanship Skills

The Story so far –

“This scheme” (West Watford Wealth Campus) “is clearly driven by Cons / Lib coalition with Watford MP Harrington – gaily leading the charge” 

So what news of fair Maid Dorothy?  Perched on behind Sir Rich and holding on tight?  Has she abandoned her recent paramour Nick so quickly?  Poor broken-hearted Nick has been flung from the balcony of Bugler Developments St Albans Road  – another Dorothy Development – for telling one too many Fibs. Pickles_refuses_to_back_down_over decision_to_build_on_land/?ref=mr

WOR Comment: “I sense the Dotty one has honeyed words and evil mind
That she seeks to raise the mob against the allotmenteers
To smite them with unbalanced scales
With smoke and mirror deceptions –
A chimera of false promise and hope
What woes await the town if she gets her way
Only she and Euripides know.”  So Maid Dorothy is more of a SorceressJollywell hope Sir Rich knows what he’s doing then.

GovWatch:  Leading the charge?  No wonder Rich has no time to clear his INBOX.

WOR Comment: “I hear that in days gone by the doubters said it could not be done but Sara and the farm terrace fight club have made it clear they shall fight the tyrants in the council meetings, fight them in the hustings, fight them on the terrace and fight them in the courts, for this is a fight for all allotments they will never surrender; it future years it shall be said never in the field of allotment gardening has so much been owed by so many to so few”  Whoops.

High Noon for Dottie and Pickles 25 July 2014

Farm Terrae Action Group are making last minute preparations for that day at the Royal Courts of Justice on 25 July 2014.  The hearing will start at 10:30 and there will be a gathering of demonstrators at about 12 noon.   The MET police officer in charge of crowd control on the day has said no wheelbarrows please or full size spades and forks.  However hand tools are OK and she thought that sunflowers might be a good emblem for that “Peasful Protest.”  WATCOR will be bringing Farm Terrace Fred, along to add his support.  He wants a green lung for West Watford and says a car park is not necessary as most Watford Football Club supporters travel to home games on foot and to away games on coaches organised by the club membership.

Read about more of Duplituous Dorothy’s behaviour at Farm Terrace Fighting Fund:

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