Harris’s Westminster Sixth Form Is Costing Tax Payrts £90,000 Per Pupil

Michael Gove’s millionaire school sponsors could cost taxpayers a fortune

The education secretary is starry-eyed about rich businessmen. Yet if their academies fail, we’ll be left to pick up the tab

“Lord Harris is a sponsor who costs the taxpayer a fortune. Michael Gove has just bunged him £45m of our money to set up the Harris Westminster Sixth Form for high-achieving students. That’s about £90,000 per pupil. It’s six times the average cost of establishing what Gove calls a “free school”, and free schools already get a lot more public money than ordinary state schools.”  http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jun/30/gove-millionaire-school-sponsors-cost-taxpayers-fortune?CMP=twt_gu

GR Comment:  “Yes, the millionaire sociopaths – These do not resemble the victorian philanthropists in any form, because they hate humanity and purely wish to profit from it.”

GR Comment: “I think Gove and IDS are engaged in a ‘who can spunk the most public money up the wall’ contest, which IDS is winning, I love these cheerleaders for the small state, they’re usually the ones with their teeth clamped so firmly around the states tit they’ll need to be surgically removed”

GR Comment: “Re the Harris Westminster 6th Form College funding:

The 45 million equates to 90,000 pounds per student.

State 6th Form Colleges: 4,000 pounds per student.

How is that in any way justifiable?”


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