FibDem Controlled Watford Borough Council Has Already Spent Half A Million Pounds On Consultants’ Fees For The Proposed Wealth Campus Development In West Watford

Wealth Campus plan

Wealth Campus

“Consultants have cashed in on the Watford Health Campus to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds, the project’s accounts have shown.

Over the last three years £550,850 – including more than £21,000 on cost consultancy work – has been shelled out on consultant fees.”


wealth campus costs

Wealth Campus Costs so far.

WOR Comment:  “Disgusted with these figures – I would reckon that £500,000 would have at least created a new ward on WGH with some extra beds or to recruit some extra NHS Staff and training.

Does no one feel ashamed?”

WOR Comment:  “No wonder Dotty is desperate for this project to go ahead, if it doesn’t the council has wasted a huge amount of money on making a few people well off for having produced a big fat zero! And having spent what they have already they have to continue spending or they have no hope of getting it back.”

WR Comment:  “The great shame of this important redevelopment scheme is that the misrepresentation by the Liberal Democrats leaves everyone cynical of the broader aspiration. They misled people by saying the scheme was about delivering a purpose-built new general hospital for the 21st century – it isn’t, it’s a commercial redevelopment of old railway sheds and industrial estate. They said the allotments were essential to enable the scheme to go ahead. They are not, the scheme can go ahead with the allotments intact. They said the finances were on a knife-edge. They are not, they scheme will provide vast profits for Kier and the council. They said the scheme will provide a new public park for Watford. It won’t, but there will be a broad verge by the river and M1 link road you can walk along. They said the government had given a grant to build the link road. They have not. They have lent money to the council that has to be repaid and the hospital trust received NHS capital money that needs to be repaid if and when the hospital reduces the size of its Watford site, and sells land to Kier and Watford Council.”  That’s why they are now called FibDems. spent_on_consultants_fees/?action=success#comments

GovWatch:  No wonder they call this latest folly of Dorothy Thornhill’s a ‘Wealth Campus’.

Save Farm Terrace Allotments Fighting Fund

This entry was posted in Allotments, Collective Action, Dorothy 'Red Shoes' Thornhill, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, FibDems, Lightwork, Money Matters, Save Farm Terrace Allotments, Save Farm Terrace Allotments from becoming High Density Housing, Truth Movement, Uncategorized, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Council, Watford Green Party, Watford Observer, What's Happening in Herts and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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