Privatising UK Prison Service

Privatising Prisons Grayling UKC 30 April 2014

UK Column News investigating the Privatising of Prison Service

UK Column News 30 April 2014 has been asking Pete Santilli in the US what he thought of the fact that Trusts and Charities seem to be taking over the Prison Service in the UK. His view was that if an X Barclays Bankster is on the Board of one of these trusts then questions need to be asked. It looks like this service is being used to enhance the bank balances of private investors and so the service would want to keep prisons full. Hmmm

'I love you Chris and want to have your babies' sighs Tory MP.

Chris GrayThing announces Oh never mind.

He then went on to describe what went on at The Bundy Ranch in the US recently.  Selling land to China from under the feet of landholders.  Oh my.  Harry Reed?  BLM killing cattle?  Lordy.  A Must see today!

Pressure mounts on Tony Blair to answer questions over minister child sex abuse cover-up claims

Holiday Blair Looking Cheesy and Sleazy in DM.  Blairs roundly detested in DM Comments Box.

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