Simon Danczuk Labour Member For Rochdale Called For A Public Inquiry Into The Daily Mirror’s Recent Revelations About A Blair Government Minister


Blair Government 1997


Mr Danczuk said:

“The more I think about this, the more I really believe there needs to be some wider-ranging public inquiry that looks at abuses across the piece, not just in Rochdale but also in London and Lambeth.”

Some say that when Tony Blair heard about this he asked Mr Danczuk to cough up some proof but so far he hasn’t. I’ve heard that one of the abused has even sent Tony Blair’s office an e-mail, and in the e-mail he names the minister who interfered with him when he was just 12 years-old. However, Blair’s people think the e-mail is a work of fraud.

GovWatch:  Erm Si I think Mandy was also in post in 1997. I ‘read it in the Daily Mail.’ “Since his appointment to the Cabinet after Labour’s 1997 election victory as Minister Without Portfolio with special responsibility for the Millennium Dome, Mr Mandelson’s career has been a roller-coaster ride.”

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