Just Where Is That Wretched “Money Tree” Cameron Talked About In 2013 Again? Can’t Seem To Find It.

GovWatch:  Bravo to Warriors one and all who are endeavouring to tackle current injustices besetting our UK Society at the moment.  Keep up the good work lads.  Don’t let ’em rest easy.

Writ of Mandamus sent to David Cameron and George Osborne on February 11th 2013 (with copies sent to Nick Clegg and Edward Milliband) which demands that the Treasury begins to issue its own debt-free and interest-free money to meet the security, well-being and happiness of the British people:”  http://inquiringminds.cc/doesnt-look-like-princess-dave-is-heading-in-the-right-direction-he-appears-to-be-ignoring-our-writ-oh-dear

Comment: “Yes … it certainly doesn’t look like David is heading in the right direction … especially when (a day or so ago) in Bradford, he told everyone “There’ isn’t a Money Tree”.

On the basis of that remark, EVERY MP HAS TODAY NOW BEEN E-MAILED pointing out that, on the 11th February, 2013, David was told that “Not only -was- there a ‘Money Tree’, but what it was, and commanded him to implement it”.”

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