The Meaning Of The Word ‘Government’ Is Being Analysed By The Bloggerati

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‘Now here is my take on what I think “Government” and its translation into Latin is. What I did was split the word into two and looked for the closest Latin matches “gubernare” for Govern and “mentis” for the suffix or ending –ment.

Here is where it gets really interesting.

“Gubernare” means to control
• conjugation: 1st conjugation
1. steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern”…

And now for the Suffix “mentis” means mind.

• declension: 3rd declension
• gender: feminine
1. courage
2. mind
3. plan, intention, frame of mind
4. reason, intellect, judgment ‘…

More radical version

‘GOVERNMENT: fr Latin Root GUBER = Control + MARE = Mind (control of the mind) or MIND CONTROLGOVERNMENT: fr Latin GUBER = Control + MARE = Mind (control of the mind) or MIND CONTROL’

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