Tim Yeo MP South Suffolk For 30 Years and Endorsed By Cameron Osborne And Gove Has Lost The Battle Against Deselection



Erm Hello NLAT.  How’s things?  A cup of Russian Caravan?  Well I won’t say no.  It’s a while since I’ve popped into Top Paddock but I like the sound of what you’ve just said.  You DID say ‘Tea Party Tories’ didn’t you?  Do go on ….

‘The revolt among Conservative party constituency activists is spreading. A second MP, Tim Yeo, for 30 years the member for South Suffolk, has lost a protracted battle against deselection, only days after Anne McIntosh was deselected by her Yorkshire constituency, Thirsk and Malton. Something that had happened just four times in 25 years has now happened twice in a week. Not quite an epidemic, but when a third Tory, Crispin Blunt, also had to fight off a deselection attempt at the end of last year, it’s starting to look like a pattern.’

‘And in all three cases, unsuccessfully in Mr Blunt’s case, the activists had one unifying complaint. The service wasn’t good enough.’



Cameron-Thatcher – CHB – Where’s the moustache?

NLAT you haven’t been reading that ConservativeHomeBlog Comic again have you?

NLAT: ‘Grant Shapps: How Cameron is following in the footsteps of Thatcher.’


UK Column Live 4 February 2014 – http://www.ukcolumn.org/live

This entry was posted in Albans Activist, Berkhamstead Blogger, Bloggers Having Their Say, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, Collective Action, Conservative Party, David Cameron, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, EU Rebels, Frequencies Resonating, Guardian, How to Identify Tories, Lightwork, Men of Non-Business, Money Matters, NLAT, Political Poll Intel, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Think Tanks Etc, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, UK Column, Uncategorized, Watford Coalition of Resistance and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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