Someone Just Asked ‘Is George Osborne A Psychopath?’

No formal psychiatry quals claimed at GovWatch but ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’

The Independent asked Vivienne Westwood and she said – ‘All political leaders are psychopaths, the veteran fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood claimed at a dinner on Tuesday night in aid of Human Rights Watch, organised by the Fortune Forum. While others laughed, Frederick Willem de Klerk, the former President of South Africa who presided over the dismantling of apartheid, seemed to take it to heart.’

Max Keiser’s verdict

UPDATE – Calum Waddall Interview – 9th May 2013

‘I was on a Megabus  – don’t ever go on a Megabus it’s terrible – and this old guy started getting really aggressive. I mean here was this harmless, drunken old guy who I’d paid no attention to before he opened his mouth. Bizarrely he was shouting these really racist remarks at me. I mean first off I was like dude I’m as Scottish as you, but secondly that’s really despicable, we’re not living in the times of slavery or anything. I wasn’t used to hearing things like that, he was too drunk to do anything but it was still pretty scary. And he’d seemed so ordinary. Also, look at George Osborne – the guy’s a complete psychopath, right? He’s terrifying, he’s on TV and he puts on a front but he’s destroying people’s lives with how little money they have to live on. And he goes home and he knows, he knows he’s doing that to people and he’s fine. He’s a complete nutter.”

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1 Response to Someone Just Asked ‘Is George Osborne A Psychopath?’

  1. hirundine608 says:

    It has been hundreds of years [if ever] since any political leader was truly independent, in action. Following the bidding, of not “we the people”. Doing the bidding of their masters, who hide in the wings. The truly wealthy, or secret societies.

    If their will is not done? They are dropped, like the proverbial ton. For there is always someone else waiting to take over. “Psychopaths”? Well strong language, yet highly believable based on their actions. Good for Ms. Westwood; prepared to call a spade, a spade. That Mr. de Clerk was offended? Is really not surprising? He’s more used to being slapped on the back and called “good fellow” from sycophants.

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