Kelsey Grammer’s Blended Family On Spring Break

Grammer with Kayte X Flight Attendant

Grammer with much younger new wife Kayte – an X Flight Attendant – Pic DM.

26 March 2013

‘He’s been married four times and suffered plenty of marital strife over the years.

But at the age of 58 Kelsey Grammer seems to have finally created the happy family he craves.

As he jetted out of Los Angeles for Spring Break on Monday with his wife Kate and three of his five children, the actor looked happy and relaxed.’

Mr Grammer is on a ‘Little List.  They’ve got him on the list.’

Lostprophets’ Ian Watkins Faces Summer Trial

Oh and what does Fawksey say



Oh hello NLAT.  What you doing here on a Bank Hol.  Weather’s too perfect.  Aren’t you strolling across the fields with the rest of the UK?  At a demo?  What was that?

Cameron urged to ditch gay marriage bill

Really?  Do THE PEOPLE erm Voters really care about Gay Marriage?

David Cameron has been urged by Conservative MPs to scrap the gay marriage bill in a bid to halt the rapid rise of Ukip, it emerged today.’

Oh,  It seems that they do care.  But will Cameron listen?  Hasn’t listened so far.

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