Oxford and Cherwell Valley College To Be Split Up and Re-Named


Silly erm Sally Dicketts also wears Purple. What is going on?

UK Column have been following this saga which basically is about allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour by some members of staff towards students at the college.  The member of staff who tried to protect the students from this behaviour was subsequently sacked.  Sally Dicketts has been linked with Common Purpose.  Now it appears that too much media attention has meant that they are going to change the structure and appoint new heads.  Well done Silly Sally.


Ah Purple – ‘Purple is mentioned in Revelations as the Mystery Babylon!  It is a black majick color, Back to the Olympics and A giant baby?  With a creepy protruding circle from its head!  Enters the stadium under a purple light.’  NWO or Kate Middleton’s baby with that DNA added at that hospital?

Sally knows not what she does.

UK Column reports that

Thames Valley Police And ‘Oxford Safeguarding Board’ Are Now Protecting Paedophiles and The Jobs of Those Who Failed the Victims

Sacked Lecturer is still being protected.

‘It is understood the man concerned AF (a white male in his late 40’s / early 50s) who was a former lecturer at the Black Bird Leys Campus Motor vehicle department)  is still freely employed in the educational motor-trade training establishment in Northamptonshire as an Assessor. He is protected by the authorities and still not flagged by CRB checks or the sex-offenders register.’

£1 Mill rebranding allows failed staff to re-brand themselves.

‘The picture of OCVC abuse grows deeply sinister when we realise that Cowley Police station, where OCVC victims report they were ignored, now hosts the ‘Kingfisher’ child protection specialist centre.  For young victims of abuse at OCVC and elsewhere the message is very clear, people guilty of abject failure in child-protection are re-inventing themselves and hiding behind a £1million smokescreen. Andrew Smith MP, joins the hypocrisy, having failed to take action for a young victim who approached him directly.’

Under Chief Constable Sara Thornton’s watch, police did not impound the 200 college computers for detailed forensic examination.  Sara Thornton is connected with the Women’s Leadership Network and political charity Common Purpose.

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