It’s All In the Way It Is Said

Ah, linguistics again.  This article deals with the way, pre-Savile and even now, the General Sheeplic firstly were persuaded that only strange people in dirty raincoats were sex pests and more recently, that sex pesting has nothing to do with the police, social services or other members of the Establishment.  Consequently, the General Sheeplic went about steering clear of raincoats, looking sideways at certain ‘unusual’ people on tube trains, telling children not to get into strange cars etc.  If something unusual was discovered, the Sheeplic diligently told the appropriate authorities and then slept soundly in their beds thinking all would be well as now it has been ‘taken care of.’  Thus the Elite with their Priest Class and media management, kept some of their particularly peculiar habits from our conscious knowledge for a remarkably long time.

Certainly, we were given hints by previous generations with stories such as Dracula, Rumpelstiltskin, Pied Piper of Hamelin, Jack the Giant Killer, Cinderella etc.  However, somehow all these things seemed to be ‘just too far fetched’ – made up by someone with a very ‘vivid imagination’.  This myth was heavily reinforced by Hollyweird so that a Saturday night might be spent watching Christopher Lee wafting around with interesting dentalware, John Barrymore in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Lon Chaney in Phantom of the Opera and so on.

We even had that nasty movie called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang featuring a childsnatcher but we thought it was just ‘art’.  Just a moment, didn’t April Jones vanish recently?  Oh and Madeline McCann and Milly Dowler, Jason Swift, Daniel Handley?  Some children tried to tell us things and often we didn’t believe them and neither did the police even when they were given photographic evidence!  In fact, the police often ‘lost’ these items and social services pulped pages of painfully reported evidence.  How must those children have felt?  We let them down dreadfully.

Now we have a possible crime scene, at Savile’s cottage in Glencoe. I hope that proper investigations will take place.  Other children’s homes have been mysteriously razed to the ground sometimes in spite of having architectural features and often the ground is then left vacant or turned into a car park.  The children who spent time in these places can’t even find them on a map now!

Firstly:  Paedophilia described in lenient language leading the reader to feel sympathy with the perpetrator.

Now:  Paedophilia described by the victim, allowing the reader to actually ‘live’ the terror-filled nightmare for themselves.

Nobody CameA story of amazing courage in the face of severe adversity and of real devotion to a vulnerable younger sibling.


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