Osbornomics Explained at Last

Twelve rules of Osbornomics

If Tory economic policies look harsh and irrational it’s because you don’t understand Osbornomics. Here’s the basic principles.
1)      Economics is an academic subject and practitioners all disagree with each other. So there will always be an economist to support whatever you do. This government is not concerned with “economics” but with money and defending the interests of those who have it at the expense of those who don’t. They’re Labour’s problem.
2)      Most people don’t understand “economics”. So explain things in piggy bank terms like balancing the family books, paying off the mortgage and preserving the value of the pound (though not in their pockets).
3)      Cut borrowing in order to maintain “confidence” to allow UK plc to borrow more.
4)      Require the banks to lend more to businesses who don’t want to invest it because they’ve no confidence in the future.
5)      Train more young people for jobs which don’t exist. Keeps them off the streets.
6)      Borrowing to finance unemployment is sound, but borrowing to stimulate growth is inflationary and irresponsible.
7)      Growth destabilises and makes the unions more powerful. Deflation means stability and more power to wealth. Graveyards are better than fun fairs.
8)      The poor don’t work hard enough because they’ve got too much money, the rich because they’ve got no incentive. So take money from the poor to give to the rich.
9)      Deflation is good for wealth, bad for workers, unions and the poor. Wealth is strong. Its victims are weak and powerless. Better, therefore, to serve wealth and divide and rule the rest by turning the poor against the less poor.
10) Paint pictures of big government spending, housing programmes and economic growth to come in the future. Sometime.
11) Don’t ever feel guilty. Labour did and does. Look where it got them.
12) The British love masochism and are happy to suffer. Provided the Telly is entertaining enough.

Observing these rules will keep Tories in power forever Q.E.D

Courtesy of



Osbornomics for Beginners – Rob Carr

Austin Mitchell MP – at least he’s well rounded unlike George Osborne


  • Inputting data into NHS computers and dealing with towels that have been returned to Selfridges, are the only two jobs Osborne has ever had and now he is in charge of running the country’s finances.
  • Mervyn King described him as being “out of his depth”.
  • The outgoing leader of the CBI used his leaving speech to attack Osborne’s entire economic approach.
  • If I was him, I’d start saying I want to ‘spend more time with my family.’
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