Tag Archives: Time for Macron to go as it’s clear the French people don’t want him – What political leader would turn guns on his own people just to stay in power? The man’s mad.

Shocking video shows fireman Yellow Vest protestor shot in the back of the head by French police, leaving him with serious brain injuries, as protests against Macron continue

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6593807/Shocking-video-shows-fireman-Yellow-Vest-protestor-shot-head-French-police.html Pröksié Shürvaar, Durban, Canada, Boycott France until Macron steps down! Other countries make wine! Richard UK taxpayer, Federal non democratic EEC, Spain, Democracy EU style ? Shropshire Lass, Ellesmere, United Kingdom, How awful. Time for Macron to go as … Continue reading

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