Tag Archives: The Tories are not so much a political party as they are a Masonic Lodge – Ditto Labour at the ‘leadership’ level at least – Don’t know about Corbyn yet but Blair/ Brown & Milliband were Masonic ‘

Rees-Mogg Displays Interesting Hand Gesture – Masonic Eye-Glass Grip?

https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/911412/brexit-latest-transition-period-accept-laws-tory-fighting-wasting-time Does hand sign made by Merkel, May and now Juncker prove there is a secret EU illuminati? https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/692031/Does-hand-sign-made-by-Merkel-May-and-now-Juncker-prove-there-is-a-secret-EU-illuminati GW: Is the Pope Catholic? FreemasonryWatch The Tories are not so much a political party as they are a Masonic Lodge. … Continue reading

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