Tag Archives: The EUSSR Parasite: the BREXIT medicine has already been administered – and their thrashing has begun –  Note Tusk’s recent attempt to ”sweet-talk” UK with that EU’s ‘heart still open to UK’ – bul

‘Macron wants to DRAIN JOBS from UK’ – Ex-ambassador issues important Brexit warning

Spot the difference. Both grey in colour & obnoxious. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/906349/brexit-news-latest-emmanuel-macron-theresa-may-eu-referendum-Bayeux-Tapestry-anglo-french GW: Macron is just another EUSSR parasite like Junker & Tusk.  Time for a good parasite-cleanse!  When one starts a cleanse the parasites are weakened so they set up cravings in … Continue reading

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