Tag Archives: Musician – 40 -Matthew Dibble – died after suffering a ‘catastrophic’ brain haemorrhage ‘induced by his first dose of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine’ inquest hears

Musician, 40, Matthew Dibble – died after suffering a ‘catastrophic’ brain haemorrhage ‘induced by his first dose of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine’, inquest hears

Mr Dibble was an aspiring concert pianist and was working on a ‘number of projects’ before his death https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10233341/Musician-40-suffered-brain-haemorrhage-induced-AstraZeneca-Covid-vaccine-inquest-hears.html I viam inveniam, Stokesley, United Kingdom, Any word from Javid, Johnson, Whitty or Vallance – no, thought not. GW: R.I.P

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