Tag Archives: COP26 president Alok Sharma has two gas-guzzling diesel Volvo SUVs parked outside his £1.6million Berkshire home

COP26 president Alok Sharma has two gas-guzzling diesel Volvo SUVs parked outside his £1.6million Berkshire home

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10160271/COP26-president-Alok-Sharma-two-gas-guzzling-diesel-Volvo-SUVs-parked-outside-Berkshire-home.html Cusco, Hyde, @DM: Of course we were encouraged to buy diesels by the Labour Party under Tony B. Before they became auto eco warriors. Mike, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, @DM: It’s worse than that. Aren’t Volvo owned by China? … Continue reading

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