Tag Archives: cannot even get staff at the DVLA to do their job and does not appear to be making any attempt to resolve the problems there.

Conservative MPs joined northern leaders in a furious backlash against the long-awaited Integrated Rail Plan, which the PM tried to defend as an ‘ambitious and unparalleled’ overhaul of inter-city links across the North and Midlands.

Conservative MPs joined northern leaders in a furious backlash against the long-awaited Integrated Rail Plan, which the PM tried to defend as an ‘ambitious and unparalleled’ overhaul of inter-city links across the North and Midlands. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10220323/Passengers-face-YEARS-delays-Grant-Shapps-denies-rail-vows-broken.html Born a lion, London, … Continue reading

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