Rumours of Deep State Biolabs in Ukraine

Max, this is an interesting, 50 second, video with a map of the bio-weapons labs, and the Russian attacks.


Putin took out deep state owned bio weapons labs in Ukraine, not because he blames US for covid, but because the next possible point for a “new pandemic” may have been Ukraine. Whatever Putin says is all optics. You totally missed the point of the thread you showed about it Max. Ukraine was a major deep state asset, one of their bases. If Putin was a true globalist a much better target would have been Kazakhstan.

Just look at who’s screaming for war against Russia the loudest. [[[They]]]’re all the same people who have been pushing COVID and the jab the past two years: just about every western politician, the MSM, celebrities, etc…, etc…Why are [[[they]]] all so suddenly united about Ukraine but couldn’t give two sh!ts about their own countries? The answer is obvious.

Penned Ideas
Max there is an Ukrainian article from April 2020 about Pentahon labs in Ukraine. Ukrainians themselves do not not like it.

Goyim Stampede
Twitter took down the bio-weapon lab theory faster than they take down child porn, and if it was an op, [[[they]]]’d be pushing it, not censoring and hiding it. It doesn’t matter if germ theory is bullshit, bioweapons labs are also developing chemical weapons, and the evidence is that the US had several in Ukraine. Considering how many criminal things the US Deep State does in Ukraine, it doesn’t seem at all improbable that [[[they]]]’d be doing all kinds of perfidious, heinous weapons development there, too.

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