WGAP: The UK Government Quietly Opens New Consultation On Vaccine Passports

WE GOT A PROBLEM – Published 30 September 2021

Scotland vaccine passport experiencing problems hours after launch, users claim

On Monday night the Government launched a consultation, asking the public for views on the use of vaccine passports this autumn and winter https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/27/vaccine-passports-indoor-outdoor-venues-could-mandatory-winter/

WGAP: We have until 11 October to put comments in. Here’s the Link:

WGAP: Telegraph states that ”Under the plan only double jabbed people would be certified.  Those who have natural immunity would be left out.”  So that’s our reason for objecting because it is at this point all about power & control.  Removing tests and ignoring natural immunity would be easily torn up in Court.  Furthermore Under 18s, NHS, Police, Council Officials, Diplomats, Someone working for a foreign organisation, would not have to use it so there are discrimination issues as well.  So tptwtb are exempt because of their status & job title but not their health status?  How are police ”safe” when they are acting as police officers I ask you?  A Judicial Review would easily be won by BigBrotherWatch if [[[they]]] go down this route.  That’s why the rules kept changing last year as the government didn’t want them challenged in our Courts.

GW: Once again only the English are supposed to carry the papers it seems.  Any foreigner can just go & do whatever they like & those dishing out the medicine & law can as well.

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