RSS: Facial Recognition & Covid Passports


GW: Watch on JubeTube if U must.  Not patronising ”give us your papers” platforms personally.

Jax El
“Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you.”- Benjamin Franklin

Israeldiegorivera2 Genius2
No to forced or coerced vaccines, no to vaccine passports. Disgrace.

I have just been speaking to an old friend and really he has no idea what is going on. The jab he will take because he has seen it on television that is what you should do …and also he has no idea that hundreds of illegals are coming in by the boat load every day at Dover..….Keep up the good work but whatch your blood pressure. Best wishes to you.

Petunia Eden
The pathetic people don’t only want to be told what to do but think they have the right to tell YOU what to do. Sick and tired of being told we all need to “do our bit” by dumb skulls.

Ché Ragnarson
Anyone remember the fast show character that you could only understand every 5th word to end the story with “And we all had a jolly good time!” That’s Borisoff

how can your face be scanned if you have half a dozen masks on ?? When 5G is rolled out facial recognition will be the norm just like the chinese model

Summoner Sumnerus
I don’t think these are passports at all, they will be used as passes for everything. Shops, pubs, work, busses, the lot. “Pass please” will soon be as common as “Papers please” was in Communist East Germany.

graeme wright
Not only that if they have your face they can use it to digitise you onto other people’s bodies on film and potentially use it to smear you or frame you for something if they don’t like you.

Dan Harte
We should organize a massive games of run outs in every city in the UK. Show the kids how we used to roll back in the day 😁
I heard some time back that the social distancing is for the facial recognition cameras to work properly

GW: As Graham H Moore has said many times we need a Digital Bill of Rights alongside the Bill of Rights & Magna Carta.  We own our Digital Identity – Just as we own our Bodily Identity.  [[[They]]] want to own us completely & that is why [[[they]]] are vaccinating the herd – so that [[[they]]] can then patent & own each & every one.

Time For a REAL Change

30 March 2021: Covid-19 waste killing animals around the world

A team from Leiden University described the waste from masks, gloves and other forms of personal protective equipment (PPE) as a ‘ticking plastic time bomb’ that may already be going off in some parts of the world.
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Link to Place where this can be explained & ordered.
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