Rachel Elnaugh – Created 30 January 2021


It makes you wonder in these strange and cruel times if each nation has been given a quota to cull

X ScotsGuards
Funny how Britain is going to allow about 8 million people from Hong Kong in to Britain, and all the illegals from France 🇬🇧 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧👍💂

Population is not the problem this planet has everything on it to cater for everyone’s needs and it’s all natural, as nature intends. The problem is the greed, power & control of the elites will never be met. Regardless of how many people are here. Mahatma Gandhi — ‘Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.’

Joanne Butcher
A J * So very true – a very wise man.

Rachel Elnaugh
Truth. This was the message of the larger video (which the dog + computer ate). It’s Capitalism that is the problem ~ 90% of assets/wealth controlled by 1% of the people. That 1% could engineer the solution for the 100% ~ but it would require them to relinquish part of their wealth. Far better (in their minds) to protect their assets/wealth ~ and cull/control the people!!!

Joanne Butcher
@Rachel Elnaugh – Yes, and money definitely is “THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL “ – these billionaires are eternally greedy.

Redpilled NPC
I hope people don’t think Starmer is going to save them. He’s just another puppet

Rogeraa0 Manners
I read somewhere that the population of the whole world could fit on the Isle of Wight. Couldn’t social distance though.

Mr Mensa
Statisticians say that world population will level out at between 10 to 12 billion.

I’m just sad and frustrated how easily fooled people have been. My whole family is believing this pandemic bullshit yet my sister called me brainwashed for trying to tell her what’s going on. I’m not the one muzzled up when I go shopping and terrified to leave the house the rest of the time!

louise mclindon
He really despises the human race

Guitar Girl
I wonder how long this will stay up? Hope you’re feeling more settled than you were the other day Rachel. We are with you lovely lady. Love to you and everyone else watching this today 💓

Greg Jackson
He has 6 children and is talking about the fertility of immigrants. Pot and kettle springs to mind.

Yet look at all the kids HE has brought into the world!!! 😫🤣

Simon John
You can almost guarantee that whatever announcement or statement made by Boris in the morning, will be out by 180 degrees by the afternoon. I used to think Cameron was Mr U turn, Boris turns more times than a corkscrew in a wine bar.

Ant Jones
He’s certainly had many years pre-meditating this genocide that is underway. Thank you Rachel for speaking out...Lovely lady ….you will always be in my prayers xx

Dave Kings
I hope you are backing up your videos Rachael and going to other platforms. You will surly be part of the YouTube purge soon enough. Great and important content as usual x

Shaun Shaun
I’m hoping sometime in the future that the right dishonourable Boris Johnson will have a similar fate bestowed upon him as Il Duce

Patrycja 22
It is sad that so called political “elite” do not live according to their own opinions. Yet they are very keen to impose it on the rest of us…..

Suzy Tyson
That’s rich from someone whose lost count of the amount of children he’s sired.

James Beale
He’s been a serial liar his whole life, why would this change

Sanity Prevails
The target is ‘growth of population’ and ‘motherhood’ itself

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