Rotherham child sexual abuse survivor Sammy Woodhouse says ‘monster’ gang ringleader treated her like ‘dead body on a slab’ after grooming her and isolating her from her family at 14

Sammy first met Arshid Hussain through a friend and she quickly became besotted as he groomed the teen by taking her out, buying her presents, and paying her compliments.

Hussain was part of a gang in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, who along with many other groups abused over 1,000 children between 1997 and 2013. He was jailed for 35 years in 2016 for 23 offences involving nine women, including Sammy.

‘I was on my local shop with a friend and he started to drive up the street in a silver Astra and I will never forget the first moment I saw him,’ said Sammy.

‘He was good looking, he was well dressed, he had a big gold chain on…I was just instantly mesmerised by him.’

Hussain was a drug dealer whom Sammy says was feared in the area, but as a young and impressionable teen, she had no idea of the potential consequences.

‘A lot of people feared him and for me where I live and grew up that wasn’t necessarily something I had never heard of’, she said, ‘It didn’t really bother me, it is what it is. You don’t as a kid think about consequences, I just went with the flow.’

As well as sexual abuse, Hussain forced Sammy to participate in criminal acts, including driving a stolen car after a post office raid, a burglary, and 20 counts of criminal damage.

Sammy escaped her abuser when he was sent to prison in 2001 for a violent offence, but was instrumental in exposing the gang after she approached The Times anonymously with her claims, leading to the Jay Inquiry.

BathshebaMadding, London, United Kingdom,
Where are the protesters now? We should be on the streets of Rotherham and the other towns demonstrating for women’s safety and justice.

JuneBug68, Here and there and everywhere,
They can’t demonstrate about this because they don’t know how to deal with the paradox. How do the woke denounce one cause whilst supporting another? Their little heads would explode with it all

Eddie Hynes, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
From what I’ve observed it’s almost certainly happening in my town, I & others have reported what we have seen to the police but there seems no evidence any action has been taken which isn’t to say that aren’t being investigated,

Andre Deeks, St.Helier, Jersey,
No outrage or protests from any of the feminist groups. Their hypocrisy and silence is deafening

Steve UK taxpayer, Not EU now, United Kingdom,
Rotherham – where the Labour council and police covered up thousands of cases of rape by gangs.

tittilated, of twickenham, United Kingdom,
Where was their March then? Where were the Left whingers to defend these girls? Why no outrage for the PROVEN misogynists in this gang?… I wonder…

Chalfont Chimlet, North, United Kingdom,
Labour council a disgrace surely there is no way back for this vile party.

Hywel Dda, Cadair Idris, United Kingdom,
Please, a moment’s thought for the tireless work of Anne Cryer, former MP of Keighley, Yorks; she put her neck on the line, and was abused, called a racist. There is a Daily Mail article from 11.08.2017 about it; “How I was branded a racist – for trying to save girls from their vile abusers: Former MP ANN CRYER on the accusations she has faced after daring to say these are culturally-routed crimes”

tuppence.worth, London, United Kingdom,
And it was not investigated by police adequately because? Where is the outrage because there should be? Where are the protests and the celebrities highlighting the cause to protect children? Where is the mainstream media? Where are the politicians and Parliament the supposed forum of representation of the nation? Cowering to the fashionable wokerati perhaps.

Stanley Bunfluff, Manchester, United Kingdom,
And it’s still going on. Rochdale and Heywood come to mind. Not enough done to stamp this out and jail the culprits.

XYZ, DAILYMADE-UP, Åland Islands,
How is it possible in today’s UK for a convicted Rapist to have any Rights of access to a child resulting from rape!? It is an appalling indictment of UK’s Justice system & most especially of the yet again Human Rights of the CRIMINAL obsessed Judges who seem incapable of understanding that NOT alongside, but BEFORE ‘HR’ in all their judgements should come COMMON SENSE ‘best interests of the VICTIMS’ NOT the Offender! Isn’t it time all England & Wales Judiciary were compulsorily retrained to do their DUTY by the People and in all Sentencing and PUNISH, DETER, PROTECT & RECOGNIZE VICTIMS SUFFERING? If this were enacted no Rapist could ever come after their victim or any resulting child.

Lord Ford, West Sussex , United Kingdom,
This is an absolute disgrace and a stain on our country, why is nobody facing prosecution for failing in their duties to protect these poor girls. It makes me sick to my stomach and we should all bow our heads in shame!

SayItHowItIs, Highlands, United Kingdom,
I have listened to Sammy speak at Child Protection Conferences. Absolutely harrowing. And incredibly awe inspiring. Hearing first hand what she experienced has left an imprint on me. This can NEVER happen again. The police & other agencies in this case should hold their heads in shame. Thank you for speaking out Sammy!

GW: Wonderful role model & influencer – far better than the ones pushed out by tptwtb.

Forwotitsworth, Royston, United Kingdom,
All those council personnel who knew should be prosecuted. The labour party has been an absolute disgrace over this sorry episode. The perpetrators of these appalling crimes should have been jailed for 30 years no parole.. Then on licence for life. Absolutely disgusting people.

jmdnnlln, A country of limited options, UK
Not only ignored but SENT THE VICTIMS BACK!! Did anyone lose their jobs? NO anyone resign? NO. Racism is real, LEFTIE racism is the biggest threat!

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