WGAP: David Davis Rubbishes Covid Status Certificate During Parliamentary Committee

WE GOT A PROBLEM – 23 March 2021

Council of Europe Resolution 27 January 2021 7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not being vaccinated, due to possible health risks or because they do not want to be vaccinated; 7.3 regarding the guarantee of high acceptance of the vaccine: 7.3.1 guarantee that citizens are informed that vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is pressured politically, socially or in any other way to be vaccinated , if you don’t want it; https://jamesfetzer.org/2021/03/the-council-of-europe-prohibits-mandatory-vaccines/

Click to access Parliamentary-Assembly-resolution-2361.pdf

Mary Crawford
Boris & Hancock just thought they could ignore this. I am starting to think they are the sort of people who believe that just by them saying something it becomes true. They think they can turn the British Parliament into a rubber stamp to ”legalise’‘ anything they wish.

If Labour MPs aid Boris to vote this through neither they nor anyone on the left will EVER be able to call someone a na**y again because they will be looking straight into the mirror.

Always liked David Davis. Was the perfect Brexit secretary and as a champion a free speech. He’s right when he says making vaccinations compulsory foes against global human rights. The right to a private life without interference.

When Cameron was running for Tory leader David Davis was running, what a mistake. Best PM we never had.

This evil government won’t take any notice of the Nuremberg code because they’ve got nothing but sinister intentions.

You know Bert is pissed off when He starts talking fast. 100% with you lad

I’d expect this more from the so called opposition… who are missing in action once again!!! Well said David Davies…. although the fact this is repeatedly having to be pointed out to those in cabinet trying to enforce such blatant crimes against humanity is an utter disgrace!!!

Julie French
Let’s see Hancock and his side kick the mad overweight hamster try and do this.

john buckle
Thank you very much for highlighting this. It should be noted that the Council of Europe is not part of the EU and the UK is one of the founding members.

N Harris
If my partner behaved in the manner the government have tried to controlled me I would get RID. Simply It’s abuse on every level.
1 hour ago3

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