Klaus Schwab has been hiding his biography


AP: Concentrating on Forensic Technologies, Inc. role with computer modelling to prove various outcomes in court & bend the insurance claims. FTI was founded in 2004. RTI is joined at the hip with FTI. CNN as well.

FTI: ”Simulations become lawyers latest legal aid.”

Klaus Schwab has links wit FTI Hmmm

FTI spun off as an experiment from parent co ”ManTech Corp” founded in 1968 by Franc Wertheimer & Pedersenlinked maybe to Warburg Pincus?  Pedersen & Wertheimer worked together at Vitro Corp a mineral processing outfit concentrating on uranium. Vitro Corp connected to Manhattan District atomic bomb project via Kellex – Guess what owned by Kellogg Co.  Snap Crackle Pop & BOOM.

  • References:
    In the Garden of Allah:

Maybe it stems (no pun intended) from my feelings about Hitler, but listening to a man with an authoritarian German accent telling the world what needs to be done,(Klaus Schwab) does not sit well with me.

“You will own nothing and be happy”. Klaus Schwab is high up on the list of the Enemies of Humanity. Globalist Minister of Propaganda and Brainwashing.

Project Syndicate is the syndicate of Fake News owned by George Soros

oneirolatreias2889+ @ AmazingPolly
****** KS has been hiding his biography, wikipedia has well knitted little story but he has Nazi roots via his father Gustave Schwab I believe.

Klaus the anal Schwab. Someone needs to send some love downrange to him and his family.

GW: I believe the character Jabba the Hut was modelled on Schwab.

Don Henley sounds like Frank Zappa…just saying. Great White 2003, any connection? https://ultimateclassicrock.com/great-white-concert-fire/

This is the best research ever about Klaus Schwab
16 March 2021: KLAUS SCHWAB IS THE GREAT BARKER OF THE FOURTH REICH –https://aim4truth.org/2021/03/16/klaus-schwab-is-the-great-barker-of-the-fourth-reich/

*** A barker is a person who stands in front of a cheater, sideshow, etc., and calls out to passersby to attract customers

Sharing this for your info but don’t go there. Too dangerous.

Former Merck Employee Brandy Vaughan Is Found Dead


@ItsHelmort, making more accounts won’t make your BS true. Schwab was the child of Nazis. Gates was the child of Nazi collaborators, his mother supplied the Nazis for IBM, his father was part of the American Eugenics party. Soros was the son of a Nazi, despite his being a quarter “Jooo”, just like Hitler and he gained his wealth by robbing those he sent to die. These are facts, this is also a fact, you are subhuman trash and you deserve to die.

The m3s9nic
bankers run the entire show, paying off or blackmailing the players at choke points. These “companies” are working for the international “above the law immune” sovereign lodges. Manipulating any nation that unfortunately allows these internationalist in. Meeting in secrecy, always linked to “upheavals”. Pike was a Confederate general, who worked for the international bankers, to fragment the Union for easier isolation and take down. He worked with mafia boss Mazzini in Italy to blueprint not only the take down of America and Western Europe, but the entire globe. The 2020 theatre, complete with Venetian m3sked parties, brought them almost there. Both Pike [Palladian occultist] and Mazzini [Roman “families” rep] were tied at the hip to the international m3sonic bankers. Once one joins the “network” the newly imprinted collared slave is assigned a specific series of tasks, and paid the perks for being a captive obedient cog in the wheel of societal destruction. The particular target has always been true, not apostate, Christianity which was the framework of stability and just laws for centuries.

@IsSecretAli, no he isn’t, his family were nazis and they fled to Switzerland when they lost the war.

Retched, [[[they]]] might be visiting that afterlife sooner rather than later. When these individuals got what [[[they]]] wanted from the courts, the courts became as illegitimate as the election. Therefore the law, the last thing between [[[their]]] heads and bullets, is gone. [[[They]]] think [[[they]]] are insiders, that [[[they]]] will somehow be riding high when the system fails, but the truth is, [[[their]]] night of long knives is coming and propagandists, die for [[[their]]] crimes, too.

Started by a few guys didling around in a small warehouse. Where did I hear that story before? Oh yeah, Bill Gates started Microsoft in his garage as did Steve Jobs with Apple. And Zuckerberg started Factbook in his college dorm room. All of these stories are lies.

Going out on a limb here, but WHAT IF this is the ingenious process of micromanaging stuff (meticulous integration of concept, technology, perception, data points) to literally create an entirely believable narrative of anything and everything— All is being seamlessly fused together via a highly technical processes, to digitally stage & predetermine any desired outcome by interfacing all data (real or imagined) via quantum computing. Just starting to learn abt quantum computing but think it’s likely the ‘magic carpet’ undergirding the whole matrix we’re thrashing around in…It is being PACKAGED & SOLD to us as the new ‘REALITY’ (Great Reset).. generated by Quantum Computational DESIGN🧐⁉ 🤔ing.. Is the Biden administration’s ‘reality’ just a a ‘quantum-computed paradigm’ ⁉

Lou Cipher
Greeting from Cyprus. The history is just repeating itself because time is a rotating hologram. Check out Therioa Apophysis

THE SARS CoV2 VACCINES. Do you know MAREKS disease? Only the ones who are not vaccinated die. It’s F7ckt up. It’s ALLL FUCKT UP. HEAVEN HELP US ALL

https://www.baylismedical.com/news/ventilators-for-canadians-receives-health-canada-approval-for-covid-19-ventilators/ target=”_blank”>https://thenationaltelegraph.com/national/ex-liberal-mp-firm-awarded-237m-contract-100m-overpayment

FTI connections in Canada have tentacles as well, a two minute search found the Bayliss connection, Jamie Belcher of FTI is into finance et al and also had a hand in Blackberry. Looking into Mirae Asset Global, chinese co., there’s a connection somewhere, still have to dig.

Thank you for the music Polly. Back in 2005 I was a session keyboard player on a “Dark Side of the Moon” influenced concept album. It’s only 30 minutes long – hope you like it. (If you do like it I’ll send you a signed CD 🙂

shakedown is the new business model for corporate giants. extortion, blackmail, spinning public perception to demonise the non compliant. flame throwers are called for

** Here’s something that I am HOPING will gain some steam with people  *** It is an eye-opening revelation-by the CDC’s own definition of what is a “vaccine”, none of these so called ‘vaccines’– meet the definition of a vaccine!  – They are in fact, experimental ‘gene therapy’. Humans are their guinea pigs. Big Pharma has a weak spot, they are not immune to vaccine injury lawsuits with this thing. They left their proverbial ‘flies open’. This is not vaccine. This can be prosecuted. Who will touch it? Yes that it is the problem. But, there have been giants who fell in the past. Just ask the cigarette companies. Please have a look Polly?

I feel a strong influence in the track...’Kashmir’ maybe?

Amazing Polly is the Erin Brockovich of the 21st century 👊🏼👊🏼😎 I’ve been following her since 2017… I miss her old videos from YouTube… I always liked to re-watch her old stuff… Somehow most of it stays current 🌼 if you see this Polly dear (between all the haters..) please check out this video from a very convincing scientist regarding the endemic (it’s not pan- anymore).. I’m pretty shure it’s snax for your mind 👊🏼👊🏼😎

I urge all the good people of mother earth to watch this one… It’s long… But so worth it!
Lots of love and prayers from Norway

Klaus Schwab and his buddies, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Henry Kissinger are all Deep State Globalists 4 world depopulation. Just get a rope for these sick pathetic scumbags trying to play GOD!


Q’s identity https://dailystormer.su/hbo-says-qanons-q-is-ron-watkins-filipino-son-of-8chan-owner-jim-watkins/

This is all so familiar regarding Lucis Trust

U.N. AND LUCIFERIAN WORSHIP: Satan’s Diabolical Plan Is Being Taken To the Next Level


Wake the Sheople – 23 November 2020

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