Amazing Polly – 22 march 2021

COVID isn’t a word it’s a number written as Roman numerals it’s DCVI or 606 in computer term’s that means reset

Bill Gates must be laughing at us all.

Ali X
AIDS is a fraud too amd HIV has nothing to do with AIDS.. Most probably Ebola was a fraud too

Tunda is a lier, someone needs to finish the job they botched the last time and remove this insect from the planet. NO one has died from COVID! because there IS NO VIRUS!. John M was removed because he was against the vaccination of his people. Now they will push this onto the Tanzanians after removing their biggest barrier.

Today Premiere 22th March 2021 at 22:00H GMT ! FINAL CHAPTER… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhXmPg4HJpeM24HX31JXXg Are you ready to know The Truth!

Polly here is a link to a pdf that talks about viruses are not real. https://truthseeker.se/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/wissenschafftplus-virologists.pdf

@LouJordan  WHO is who. Well sort of, WHO is another agency attached to this mess.

What you are looking at is a Complex, specifically a Rockefeller-China Complex and organizations like WHO are tying the complex together. China put the finishing touches on the virus, while Gates being Rockefeller’s agent, was waiting in the wings with the “solution”.

Trump attempted to make an end run around Gates to negate that solution but wasn’t able to do enough to shut it down. “Operation Warp Speed” produced a slew of different solutions to the problem, but as soon as they got Trump out, what happened to all the Non-Vaccines solutions? Black Bagged, they all disappeared. Just forget those technologies existed.

Trump did demonstrate that the synthetic antibody treatments are the closest thing to an actual cure for the common cold that will likely ever exist, but do you ever hear about them from the news now? They’d rather go back to putting people on ventilators in induced comas.

Obviously THEY killed him for exposing wu flu as a hoax.

Probably a high usage of Hydroxocloroquine due to Malaria helping to prevent Covid-19 in Tanzania

@IceLynne, you are incorrect. The flu is caused by the Rhino Virus. It’s deaths are also tremendously exaggerated. Big Pharma has been trying to get vaccine dependence out of the flu for decades but it never got enough hype, so they needed something bigger. They got something bigger, a slightly modified Cold Virus, the Coronavirus. It’s real, it’s maybe slightly worse than a normal cold because it attacks receptors on cells involved in an elderly person’s immune system. If you’re old and close to dying, it might be a little more likely to finish you off than a typical cold. So it’s a cold virus, not a flu virus.

They murdered the Tanzanian president for not playing ball.

This is how they killed him. They gave him a heart attack with frequencies. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4480692/Ohnoes.pdf

No investigation into their President being missing for almost three week’s?! They just lose him and then found dead?! They immediately claimed it was a heart attack (with no autopsy) and I knew the Globalist’s would claim Covid also?! This fearless, robust man was health conscious (and advocated wellness for his people), was often seen dancing and publicly doing push-ups and was not a sick! Why is there no outcry by Tanzanian leader’s, journalist’s or his people?! I think we all know why! Hell is about to visit this nation by the NWO Mafia!

This needs to go viral.

Bill Gates and the WHO funded the operation to kill Magufuli with the assistance of Chinese CELD sources say. Now Gates is funding FTI to go in and spin the population and force vaccines on the people sources say.

The Masked Menace
Pierre Nkurunziza, Brandy Vaughan, and now John Magufuli? Anyone else noticing a pattern? A lone coincidence may be just a lone coincidence. A series of coincidences is a pattern. And a pattern indicates intelligence and intent.

The late Dr Kerry Mullis,PhD (creator of the PCR test) called out Faucci & the whole ‘HIV AIDS’ swamp… he too died in the summer of 2019 but he was a thorn in their side….apart from stating the benefits & limitations of his par tests….he stated that there was no scientific proof that HIV caused AIDS! ”Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR Test, if you run it long enough….with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you are sick..”

Oh so they killed the African leaders who were expose their covid scam, because their people were immune to it due to the use of HCQ for malaria. Watch them now put in puppet leaders and the ‘cases’ in those countries rise. These devils running this system need to be destroyed.

Good and well documented, Polly. And ooooh well, the new President, Samia Suluhu Hassan a member of the WEF. https://www.weforum.org/people/samia-suluhu-hassan

Ghana’s president is next

The NWO executes those in power that do not comply with the intended cull of humanity. Just as Barry and Honey Sherman were executed, I have no doubt these people of influence are also executed.

Thanks for your research. Oh what a tangled web they weave! The love of money is the root of all evil – so many seem to be in love with it that there are many roots! This video sheds some light on Gavi, which I saw on the chart you displayed. Many around the world are catching on to Gates’ agenda.


It’s like looking at a giant bicycle wheel w/ hundreds of spokes all connecting & inextricably anchored to the OMNIPOTENT central ‘hub’ in the wheel’s center (GATES, WHO, UN, EU, WEF, ETC.) from which all actions / directives flow out to all corners of power in the world. World POWER/CONTROL (via eugenics and genocide) are the ultimate goals of these in-human entities like Gates, et al. .IMO. Any RESISTANT voice, like Magufuli’s (and 16 other voices so far) must be crushed so ‘progress’ can flood the zone with endless insidious LIES (COVID) & DECEPTION

dani katz
PEPFAR is the government’s money laundering agency. It’s sooooo corrupt and disgusting, just like this whole freaking Plandemic.

I did a little video about Elon Musk. It’s a bit different but somewhat entertaining:

I was told very early on in this Plandemic that the Laboratory in Winnipeg Manitoba was the source of the Covid Virus before it was sent to the weapons lab in Wuhan, Chyna.

Yes, I’ve noticed a former Merck employee died of “natural” causes at 46 years of age, and another vax realist “fell” off a balcony in Taiwan in 2013. This has apparently been going on slowly for what I’m guessing is a decade.

Many Thanks & Huge Loves, Polly! You are, truly, an extremely intelligent woman & a totally AMAZING blessing to us ALL! I share your videos far & wide. You’re a terrific source of info for Canada & the world. I know how crazy it gets, exploring rabbit holes till the wee hours, & respect the effort you, continually, contribute to humanity by connecting the dots so efficiently. Africa, for one, has long been the target of human experimentation, sterilization & genocide. Those, in power, who buck the Cabal, die of ‘Natural Causes’. This insanity MUST stop NOW! B & M Gates were hung in India (2018), SO, who are the imposters??? & why are they still permitted to perpetrate crimes against HUMANITY??? Check this one out . . . Michael O’Bernicia | PCP Case Update

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