TAP: Laying of the charges, in the Private Criminal Prosecution of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson

22 Mar 2021 1
posted by Weaver

Mark Devlin talks to The Bernician about everything that has transpired since the last time they talked in November 2020, in relation to the Private Criminal Prosecution of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson for pandemic fraud. For more of Mark Devlin’s work please visit his website:

https://djmarkdevlin.com/​ Subscribe to The Bernician’s Blog: https://www.thebernician.net​ All Rights Reserved under the

Treaty of Universal Community Trust. #PandemicFraud​ #PCP

Laying of the charges, in the Private Criminal Prosecution of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson

22 Mar 2021 12:58 am
Alan Vaughn says:
Oh well, I can’t really knock them for trying, but they’re soon going to realize that it’s futile to even hope this will change anything and what complete waste of time and money it is.
They still don’t seem to understand the level of EVIL their enemy possesses and will use to gain total control, nor that in this totalitarian New World Order aka: ‘the new normal’ which we’re all currently enslaved in: there is no ‘common law’ nor ‘justice’ anymore. At least not for us – the downtrodden and subjugated plebes.

The complicit, biased and treasonous courts are all on-board the train of the global genocide cabal, along with their complicit UN member governments (who make the draconian, dehumanizing mandates they’re supposed to adjudicate over) and the billionaire’s club at Davos: The WEF.

Forget the (corrupted) law and the biased and treasonous courts. They are NOT our friends.
It’s entirely up to US – the oppressed and enslaved masses to end this global coup, by our MASS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE and TOTAL NON-COMPLIANCE.

WAKE UP you silly, hoodwinked sheople, you’re being played!

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