S4S: What Happened To The Rise Of Populism? Seems the ”Plandemic” arrived JIT.

Sanity For Sweden – 11 March 2021

Janet Pigram
Why would a pharmaceutical company ‘Pfizer’  tell Brazil to get the jab the company wants army camps in Brazil strange, look on a site called WION

10 March 2021: ”WION reports that Argentina and Brazil have rejected Pfizer’s demands. Initially, the company demanded indemnification legislation to be enacted, such as that which it enjoys in the U.S.”

Anthony Siebenthaler
The kick back against ‘populism’ needs to be seen as something akin to the Battle of the Bulge. Boycotts of the companies, agencies and individuals working to bring down the West has to happen, as [[[they]]] use the money to keep things going. People really have to consider just who and what they are voting for at every election.

SS: They probably will rig the upcoming election here in Sweden to keep the globalist establishment in tact.

tom ray
Rigging elections explains a lot of strange choices around the world, even going back years i.e. Tony Blair’s three times prime minister; Sadiq Khan Mayor for London; Barrack Obama in America; 2020 American Biden farce; Nigel Farage’s Party losing out in Peterborough; all totally above board not at all suspicious. All eyes on most unpopular Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan winning his Mayoral role again.

Simple Sid
Importation of immigration is just stacking the deck for the next election. Blair started it & the Conservatives thought it a good idea, so they have been carrying it on. It’s all about power, they couldn’t give a toss about the country .

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