Polish burglar is jailed over his gang’s professional crime spree that targeted wealthy South East country homes before they flew home for Christmas

Przemyzlaw Zblewski, 37,

A burglary gang who flew in and out of the UK to rob at five upmarket homes in a month and returned home to Poland for Christmas in the midst of their crime spree have been jailed.

Slawomir Winiecki, 49

The four ‘well-organised and forensically aware’ Polish nationals communicated over walkie-talkies to avoid being tracked by mobile phone signals.

They also spied on their victims using powerful telescopes so they could time the raids for when they were not home.

Kyzysztof Osowski, 36

Przemyzlaw Zblewski was seen smirking in his mugshot after police arrested him and three other members of his gang.

The 37-year-old flew into the country twice with Kyzysztof Osowski, 36, and Slawomir Winiecki, 49, to carry out the break-ins.


Derek Burnett, Christchurch, United Kingdom,
Isn’t immigration wonderful

Englandshark, London, United Kingdom,
More great examples of Shengen

Alonso, Merseyside, United Kingdom,
Time was when breaking into a person’s home netted the burglar nothing less than five years imprisonment and they weren’t released at halfway. Time to build more prisons if this government insists it is going to do better in order to protect their citizens. They can certainly find the money for all sorts of liberal projects so they need to build bigger jails and employ the right people to deal with the cons when they get out of hand. Time to get tough Pritti, and time to get tough with our weak and liberal judges.

Charles_Sim, London, United Kingdom,
As a victim of burglary I can say that this is one of the worst crimes you can experience. Your home will never feel the same afterwards and you will never be able to sleep sound. There is always this thought that someone can break in and do something bad. I think in a way burglary kills the victim as a person and I believe burglars should be given life sentences. These people are old and won’t change their ways, and so there is no way they should be ever allowed back into society.

itsnotmyfault, suffolk, United Kingdom,
“They will be de po rt ed back to Poland after they have served their sentences”. Yup…..and I’m Whistlers Mother. All of them will still be here forever, all claiming British benefits just because they can! Everybody knows that nobody is ever de po rt ed from the UK, and if by some miracle any criminals ARE put onto a flight, either the other passengers or the crew make such a fuss that they are taken off again and the flight leaves without them. “De po rt ed after they have served their sentences”? Who are we kidding?!!

Okmate, Here, United Kingdom,
Why do so many of these people have strange mouths and chins ?

Alizée, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
That Slavic look.

Langford, Warwick, United Kingdom,
Just look at the local court reports online where you live to see exactly who is committing most crimes now in this country, it’s shocking, Britain is now the sweet shop of choice thanks to liberal Naivety

Highland_Ranter, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
And still people wonder why we voted for Brexit!

COVIDSCAM, Dublin, Ireland,
I wonder which one got caught first then ratted on the rest?

Bang on the Ear, London, United Kingdom,
I’ve been robbed 4 times by the like of these. They have cost my business over 30k. Then they come on site with stolen tools they bought at a market that the police will do nothing about.

Ilovelambchops, London, United Kingdom,
This bloody judge obviously has no idea about being burgled up in his Ivory Towers! Minimum 10 years each day

Awtmax, Colchester,
So called professional criminals should receive professional sentences not the laughable ones the UK system hands out and further more never allowed to set foot in the UK again.

Razors McClintock, Glasgow , United Kingdom,
Send the legal bills to Tony bloody Blair

Awtmax, Colchester,
They learn their trade on mainland Europe then practice it in the UK , easy pickings

Webbro, Chicago, United States,
How could they fly in and out of England under Covid restrictions?

Melanie40, Stamford, United Kingdom,
Like many others, British citizens too, borders are not closed

Dons1983, Aberdeen, United Kingdom,
And no doubt they will be allowed to remain after the short sentence. An Albanian who attempted to murder three in Italy and fled to the UK was permitted to remain as he might be in danger if sent back, the Scottish judge seems quite unconcerned that he might try the same thing here.

Lemog, London, United Kingdom,
Why were they allowed in? Unless they are coming here for work they should be denied entry

Michael Stewart 70, North London, United Kingdom,
Get real we’ve got a million people living and working in London illegally.

tooneartheknuckle, bristol, United Kingdom,
The UK has been seen for some while as the soft under belly by Europe’s criminals. That’s why so many moved here. Even those not living here can’t resist. They know that even if they are caught, as in this case, they will suffer little by way of consequences. No wonder the guy is smirking.

HCA, London, United Kingdom,
He should be sent back to Poland to serve his sentence. He will not like it there. The prisons are not holiday camps, as they are in the UK.

Michael Stewart 70, North London, United Kingdom,
Any EU citizens who get a jail term should be banned from England when they’ve served their sentences.

Yeshua…, Jerusalem, Palestine,
D.eport all f.oreign born c.riminals out of the UK… Time the United Kingdom was cleaned up…

Rumbledethumps, Wonderland, United Kingdom,
Why shouldn’t we know we have criminals flying in from other countries and yes we do know about our own ones as they usually give areas where they’re from.

Poshdub, Dublin, Ireland,
The worst thing that Europe ever did was to remove the borders.

themechanic49, Farnborough, United Kingdom,
And hopefully sent back to Poland when their hotel stay is over

DukeDePomfrit, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Not a chance, as they were resident here, they’re probably now our responsibility for life

Anne.Boleyn, London, United Kingdom,
Just thinking out loud. If these people had previous criminal activities in their country, why are they allowed to just here in the UK? Surely the Home Office can do much much better than allow criminals to commit more crime in the UK.

Rumbledethumps, Wonderland, United Kingdom,
Because we were part of the EU and so they had freedom of movement. Now we can actually do something but probably won’t.

Mary-Anne, Cape Town, South Africa,
Of course he’s smirking, a couple of years in jail and he can keep everything he stole.

I ate her liver, Emerald City, United Kingdom,
You’re aware that a right wing party are in charge when all this is happening, yes?

TrollyMcTrollFace, Your Mums House, United Kingdom,
He’s smirking because he knows the sentence is a joke. He will most likely be released a lot earlier, and whilst inside, he will be living like a lord compared to what the prisons will be like at ‘home’

we are watching, You , United Kingdom,
Many f@-reigners inside our prisons? Paid by you.

thejackaluk, Star, United Kingdom,
I used to work for HMPO and the figures are worse than you think.

Cynical, Anywhere but the EU, United Kingdom,
So he got four years (out in two), no wonder he’s smirking.

The Ophiuchi Hotline, Make Judges Elected, UK
The smirk tells you all you need to know about the deterrence to criminal behaviour of British law and order

DWD78, Lincoln, United Kingdom,
Looks like the Viking raids are back on!

ddyjd, london, United Kingdom,
Think you’ll find they came from Scandinavia. This lot are what you find on the bottom of your shoe.

thoughtful, Manchester,
This is what happens when a country has no border controls and thanks to 11 years of Marxist cowardly useless incompetent Tory Misrule this is what we have now.

thoughtful, Manchester,
Idiot! The Tories are Blue Labour they are both the same party, Kier Johnson and Boris Starmer are more or less the same people with identical beliefs save for Boris probably being further to the Left. If you can’t see that then it’s your hard luck!

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