Patents by Inventors Peter Rothschild & Richard Rothschild

25 October 2020

Many of the following inventions by Peter Rothschild are relevant to the big tech industry, with an emphasis on wireless infrastructure, devices, and other components of our modern age that involve the transmission of electromagnetic pollution; RadioFrequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MWR).

Richard A. Rothschild is another patent holder with inventions related to biometrics and Covid-19 testing.

This technology requires strict regulatory control, transparency, and oversight for national security, to ensure essential liberty, preservation of the environment, and protection of the public safety by prohibiting hazardous emissions.

Link to Justia Patents Richard A Rothschild

Patents by Inventors Peter Rothschild and Richard Rothschild

23 July 2012 – Richard Rothschild Agenda 21

GW: Who are Robin S. Slomkowski & Richard A. Rothschild?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

De-Coding Satan – Rothschild patent for covid

It’s not disputable, since the information comes from official patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation.

As we’ve shown in previous exposes, the whole Covidiocracy is a masquerade and a simulation long prepared by The World Bank / IMF / The Rothschilds and their lemmings, with Rockefeller partnership. Our newest discoveries further these previous revelations.

Los Rothschild Registraron Un Sistema Para Testar El Covid
Inventores: Rothschild, Richard A. (Londres, GB) Macklin, Dan (Stafford, GB) Slomkowski, Robin S. (Eugene, Oregón, EE. UU.) Harnischfeger, Taska (Eugene, Oregón, EE. UU.) Número de solicitud: 15/495485 Fecha de publicación: 10/08/2017 Fecha de presentación: 24/04/2017 Imágenes de patente: Descargar PDF 20170229149

terraindomita. Flying Syringes, o mosquitos modificados genéticamente para inocular sustancias: El nuevo proyecto de Bill Gates. 5. March 2021 chupete. Flying Syringes (jeringuillas voladoras) es una expresión utilizada para designar un proyecto financiado por Bill Gates para crear mosquitos genéticamente modificados que …

GW:  A Richard Rothschild was born in 1975 & had business premises at REGENT HOUSE KENDAL AVENUE, LONDON. He supposedly married Charmaine de Souza in 2005, and separated from her in 2016.  The couple have two children & they ran a successful telecommunications business in London as detailed by The Sun.  He also spends time in Miami & drove a Lamborghini apparently.  Funny how we never heard anything about Richard but we had acres of press about ”silly” old Natty back in the day. The Sun finishes off  with ”Richard Rothschild, 45, was formerly known as Richard Pierzchalo-Piasecai but changed his name in 2016. He is not part of the famous Rothschild family,”  Hmmmm. There’s two of ’em?


by Silviu “Silver” Costinescu on 8 Feb 2021

“Stakeholder Capitalism”, one of Klaus Schwab’s many buzzwords, is what expects us at the end of The Great Reset or The Fourth Industrial Revolution, according to its main ideologists.

It’s that stage where “you own nothing and you are happy” or you are on government’s kill list.

If the line between communism and fascism appears blurred many times, it’s because it is. And Stakeholder Capitalism totally erases it.

And who’s going to be at the top of the pyramid of the new centralized global system pushed by the social parasites from the World Economic Forum?

Any road I take, it takes me same place.

GW: In our recent article  ”Dealing With Parasites – Part I” we covered the ubiquitous problem of Bedbugs, well now we see that our parasitological studies have expanded to include study of the Social Parasite – & if you thought Bedbugs were problematic then you haven’t see anything yet.

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