Dr Rima Laibow MD – Recently Talked With Richie Allen

Dr Rima Laibow agrees with others such as Dr Judy Mikovits about the dangerous experimental nature of the current crop of mRNA Vaccines being touted at the moment by the Globalists.

The Richie Allen Show Wednesday March 10th 2021
Richie is joined by Tara Porter and Dr. Rima Laibow MD.


Dr Rima outlined the reason for the

”Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice”

set up by her colleagues and supported by herself & said they were determined to halt the current injustices such as forcing these mRNA vaccines on the elderly in order to hasten a Globalist Agenda 2030 Program.

She also said that the 3 most Powerful Words people have to learn is
”Don’t U Dare”

and that those who wish to take matters further should visit
to acquire an Advance Medical Directive Card suitable for administrations in many countries.

Dr Rima said she would be posting further information at
and that she will be speaking to Mr Allen in a couple of weeks to check in with him to report progress.

13 March 2020: Dr. Rima Laibow Tells the Truth About Coronavirus


By now, most still in command of their own thoughts already know that the CROWN-GATES-FAUCI-GOV-ID1984 CCP PLANDEMIC fraud was manufactured by the Black Nobility Roman Cabal to move forward their long planned NWO World Wide Slavery and Democide agenda. The Medical Tyranny aspect of their plan was exposed in the following 2014 Video.

The Globalists Creating Their Next Phase Of Kontrol Outed In 2014


[[[They]]] have wanted quarantines & curfews for a while now & if the US population don’t wake up [[[they]]] will get all that [[[they]]] wish for on a plate.


Episode 1246: The Richie Allen Show With James Delingpole Tuesday March 9th 2021


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