TAP: Forget About Trump! We’ve Got A Much Bigger Problem That They’re Keeping From Us! – Must Video

4 Mar 2021 1
posted by Weaver

Underground Infrastructure. The missing forty trillion dollars by Steven J. Smith Since the early 1960s, the American citizenry have been the unwitting victims of government fraud, perpetrated on a scale so vast that it staggers the imagination. When figured in 2004 dollars, the total amount exceeds 40 trillion dollars. What did the American government and it’s corporate accomplices do with this almost inconceivable wealth? The government has built a entirely new underground civilization beneath the abandoned factories, tattered homes, and crime ridden streets that litter the American landscape. In this new society, there is no poverty, no crime or illicit drug use. In this new society, healthcare is affordable, energy is free, public transport is efficient. And you, the American tax payer have paid for it all, without receiving any benefit whatsoever for your Herculean efforts. http://whale.to/b/underground_h.html


Forget About Trump! We’ve Got A Much Bigger Problem That They’re Keeping From Us! – Must Video

ian says:
unless you met an alien yourself, you could never believe what these guys say. I believe in Deep underground military bases. The way that the neocons behave they’d be stupid not to have them. They’re a lot of things, but stupid’s not one of them. Is the alien thing possible?, yes of course, but how could they prove it?

It is certainly a change from the covid agenda, as is the climate change article but I think that it may be deliberate distraction.

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